NLP 2020

Assignments for NLP course, University of Helsinki

Week 5: Vectors, Lexical Semantics and Word Embeddings

Carry out all the exercises below and submit your answers on Moodle. Also submit a single Python file containing your full implementation.

Exercise 1: Document-term matrix

In this exercise, we will build a simple document-term matrix for the documents provided.

documents = ['Wage conflict in retail business grows',
			 'Higher wages for cafeteria employees',
			 'Retailing Wage Dispute Expands',
			 'Train Crash Near Petershausen',
			 'Five Deaths in Crash of Police Helicopter']

Exercise 1.1: Step-by-step construction of the doc-term matrix

Pre-process each document by converting it to lowercase, tokenize, remove stopwords and then lemmatize each token.

Construct the vocabulary of your pre-processed corpus and then construct a document-term matrix by going through each document and checking if a vocabulary word is present or not.

The shape of the matrix will be the number of documents by the vocabulary size (n_docs x vocab_size).

  • What is the shape of your matrix?
  • Submit the matrix shape

Exercise 1.2: Using scikit-learn to build the document-term matrix

Try importing Scitkit-learn:

import sklearn

If you do not have it installed, install it in your virtual environment:

pip install scikit-learn

Scikit-learn has a class called the CountVectorizer to build document-term matrices easily and includes a number of options such as removing stopwords, tokenizing, indicating encoding (important for documents in other languages), and others. For more information, see the documentation. At the bottom of the page is a code snippet to build count vectors for each document. You can easily convert these to a binary doc-term matrix.

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus)
counts = X.toarray()  # Get the doc-term count matrix
dt = counts > 0       # Convert to a binary matrix
doc_term_mat = dt * 1 # If you prefer, represent as 1s and 0s

How does your doc-term matrix from 1.1 compare to your doc-term matrix from 1.2? Are they exactly the same or are their differences?

If they are different, what could account for such difference?

Submit your answers

For the next exercises, we will make use the doc-term matrix with count vectors produced by the CountVectorizer.

Exercise 2: Ranking documents by query

Exercise 2.1: Using the dot product to rank documents

Suppose you have the query ‘retail wages’. Rank the documents by relevance to this query by getting the dot product of the query by the doc-term matrix. To convert the query string into a vector, use the transform() method of the vectorizer you created in the previous exercise. Remember that the vectorizer expects a list of strings.

Use numpy’s dot() to compute dot products.

If necessary, remind yourself of what happens when you take a dot product of a matrix and vector. Looking at the diagrams on the lecture slides might also help.

Normalize the count vectors of the doc-term matrix by the document length and perform the same relevance ranking.

  • Does it produce the same results?
  • Submit your answers. Include the dot products of the query with the unnormalized and normalized doc-term matrices.

Exercise 2.2: Using TF-IDF to weight words

In the previous exercise, our doc-term matrix is composed of count vectors where each element in the vector is the number of times a word appeared in the document.

In this exercise, we will convert our doc-term matrix which is composed of count vectors to TF-IDF vectors. Construct a TF-IDF doc-term matrix using the TfidfVectorizer from Scikit-learn. This implements the TF-IDF calculations seen in lectures.

Perform the same relevance ranking that we did in Exercise 2.1 by getting the dot product of the same query with your new TF-IDF doc-term matrix. Don’t forget to convert the query string to a vector using the transform() method of the TfidfVectorizer this time.

  • Does the ranking change?
  • If so, what do you think could account for this?
  • Submit your answers

Exercise 3: Finding similar documents

Exercise 3.1

Using the doc-term matrix from Exercise 2.2, use cosine similarity for each document pair to find which two documents are most similar to each other. You can use the cosine_similarity() method from Scikit-learn for this.

  • Which document pair are most similar to each other?
  • Does it follow your intuition?
  • Submit your answers

Exercise 3.2

Suppose you are given two new documents that you have not seen so far:

new_docs = [
    'Plane crash in Baden-Wuerttemberg',          # Doc 3a
	'The weather'                             # Doc 3b

Construct the TF-IDF matrix for these unseen documents (use transform() again, not fit_transform()) and find the documents from our original corpus that are most similar to each using cosine similarity.

  • Which document is most similar to Doc 3a?
  • How about Doc 3b?
  • Submit your answers to these questions and those above

Exercise 4: Topic modelling

We will use the Gensim package to train topic models.

Check whether Gensim is installed and importable:

import gensim

If not, install it in your virtual environment:

pip install gensim

Exercise 4.1: Load 20 Newsgroups dataset

Topic modelling is more suitable for larger corpora therefore we will use the 20 newsgroups dataset from Scikit-learn.

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
data = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='train', shuffle=True, random_state=42).data
  • How many documents are in the corpus?
  • Submit your answer

Exercise 4.2: Train a topic model with Gensim

Once we have loaded our dataset, we need to do some standard pre-processing on each document as in the previous exercises.

Next, train an LDA topic model for 10 topics on the pre-processed data. Read the documentation on how to train an LDA topic model using Gensim. It is generally a good idea to save the trained model so you can load it afterwards to inspect the learned parameters.

  • What are the top 5 words for each topic? Tip: check out the show_topic() method or similar methods.
  • Submit your answer

Exercise 5: Word embeddings

In this exercise, we will train some word embeddings and do some simple queries on the trained model. Gensim also has modules for loading and training word embeddings. Take a look at the documentation.

Normally we would use very large corpora with millions of tokens to train word embeddings but since this is just an exercise, we will use the small common_texts corpora provided by Gensim. Use the following code snippet to train Word2Vec embeddings:

from gensim.test.utils import common_texts
from gensim.models import Word2Vec

model = Word2Vec(common_texts, size=100, window=5, min_count=1, workers=4)
# optional but there's no harm in saving the trained model"word2vec.model")
  • What is the vocabulary size of your model?
  • Submit your answer

Exercise 5.1: Finding similar words using word embeddings

After training your model, use the similar_by_word() method to find the word most similar to the following words (excluding itself):

  • Do the similar words look reasonable to you? Discuss why or why not.
  • Submit your answer

Suggested extensions:

  1. Doc2vec is an extension of Word2vec that learns document embeddings as well as word vectors. Another way to build document embeddings is to sum up the embeddings of each word in a document weighted by word frequency or TF-IDF. Another strategy is to apply clustering on the document embeddings. Use these methods to find similar documents and evaluate their performance. Whichever method(s) you want to try, you would need a dataset with documents grouped according to categories or other criteria. This dataset from Kaggle is a good start.

  2. Cross-lingual word embeddings are embeddings that have been aligned for two or more languages. This means that words from different languages that have similar meanings will be close to each other in the embedding space. Use cross-lingual embeddings to match similar documents across languages. There are many pretrained cross-lingual embeddings available online, one example is from FastText. To build cross-lingual document embeddings, you can sum up the embedding of each word in the document weighted by frequency or TF-IDF. You would need a multilingual dataset with some gold standard matching such as a parallel corpus. There are many available online, Opus is a good start.

Suggested papers on document embeddings (cross-lingual and monolingual):